I usually don’t clip a whole site, only a selected area by dragging. Dragging into a DEVONthink window results in RTF which I don’t like so I drag to DEVONthink’s icon in the dock which results in a webarchive.
Dragging has several advantages:
- You have to choose what to clip
- You don’t get clutter (most of the time)
- You clip more but smaller chunks from one site (at least that’s what I do) which later makes retrieving information very easy.
FWIW I’m currently clipping a lot of structured stuff (i.e. everything has to go into a predefined group structure) and got tired of the group selector
(in Preferences > Import
I had Destination
set to Select group
) so I changed Destination
to Global Inbox
and created a Smart Rule which moves a newly imported webarchive to the current group. Now I can simply open the desired destination group and clip without the group selector. Additionally the Smart Rule script selects the record so I can check whether everything’s ok without switching between Safari and DEVONthink all the time. This makes a very smooth clipping process.
The Smart Rule:
- Search in: Global Inbox
- On Import
Note: Obviously you have to remove the On Import
trigger once you’re done with a clipping session.
-- Smart Rule - Move record to current group and select it
on performSmartRule(theRecords)
tell application id "DNtp"
repeat with theRecord in theRecords
set theMovedRecord to move record theRecord to current group
set selection of think window 1 to {theMovedRecord}
end repeat
on error error_message number error_number
if the error_number is not -128 then display alert "DEVONthink" message error_message as warning
end try
end tell
end performSmartRule