What was meant by condensing folder contents to single docum

In Steven Johnson’s recent article on BoingBoing (tinyurl.com/cvob7f), he wrote “Devonthink has a wonderful feature where you can take the entire contents of a folder and condense it down into a single text document.” What was he referring to? I tried simulating what I imagined he was talking about by using “Merge” and then “Summerize” (from the Services menu). But since I upgraded to DevonThink 2.0, Summerize doesn’t seem to be working. Am I mistaken?

Anyway, I have been very happy with DevonTHink 2.0’s new features, UI refinements and old improved features. The web archive and improved PDF handling have made me happy, but the sorter has changed my whole workflow. Very nice.

As noted in the Upgrader’s Guide for DEVONthnk 2 pb2, Summarize and the Summarize Service are not yet functional. They will return in a future release.