Where is the placeholder list for DA?

I just want a simple script to execute as part of the search set that says “change the DATECREATED to THEDATE” so instead of the date of the search, I export the creation date of the found document.

So i hope to use the built in ADD RESULTS TO DEVONTHINK checkbox and then ALSO check the EXECUTE SCRIPT which simply fixes the date.

Thank you so much for anyone who can help here. I really need to solve this. Today’s research collected 300+ pdf files into DT all with today’s date even though some of the articles are ten years old.

There is no list of placeholders in the documentation. Look at the AppleScript dictionary under the search result element.

Thanks Bluefrog that will help for sure.

ALL I WANT to do is send the DATE information from the DA results to DT. I don’t care where it ends up, I will use a rule to make it the CREATION DATE in DT. I tried to add the DATE to the TITLE but no luck with my best guess at scripting, lol.
Is there a simple “SET metadatafield to DATE” that I could use? I feel like this should be easy but it’s above my pay grade.

property pFormat : “WebArchive” – Either HTML, Bookmark, Summary, WebArchive or PDF

property pReadability : false – Apply readability to WebArchive and PDF. Requires DEVONthink 3.

on results(theResults, theSet, theQuery)

tell application “DEVONagent”


tell application id “DNtp”

set title to title & date

end tell

end try

end tell

end results