Which word processor with DTPO?

Does anyone know which word processor program is the best choice to collaborate with DEVONThink Pro Office? I tried Nisus Pro, but the files lost their footnotes; Mellel, and the file looks well via QuickView. Mellel is a beautiful program, but it is very lacking in data sharing with MSWord.
So I wonder, is Pages a good choice to collaborate with DTPO? Anyone has some other hint? For my use footnotes are crucial.

Thank you very much

The problem you experienced with Nisus Writer is that it uses the .rtf filetype suffix for its documents. That means Nisus Writer documents can be opened and edited by DEVONthink’s rich text editor. But when that happens, the formatting commands used by Nisus Writer are lost. To prevent inadvertent editing in DEVONthink’s editor, use the Lock command (in the document’s Info panel). You will still be able to open and edit the document under Nisus Writer.

Yes, Pages is a good choice. I do my draft writing in DEVONthink’s rich text. Then I copy/paste the rich text notes into a Pages document for polishing. Images, text and other content are moved to Pages in this way very easily. Pages’ Quick Look plugin is a good one that displays the page very faithfully in DEVONthink, and Pages documents can be exported as MS Word or as PDF.

As Bill mentioned, Pages would be a good choice if you are working strictly with .doc(x) or .pages formats. If you need to edit your documents in a RTF format, then Pages, TextEdit, and any app that uses Apple’s RTF engine (DEVONthink) are a poor choice if your documents have footnotes. Apple’s RTF engine does not fully support the RTF specs.

Nisus and Mellel are much better when working with RTF documents, although they are not the best choice when working with .doc(x) documents. In other words, use Pages if you want to exchange documents with Word users in .doc(x) format, or use Nisus Writer or Mellel if you want to exchange documents with Word users in .RTF format, and don’t need to edit those .RTF documents in any app that uses Apple’s RTF engine.