Why are binary files indexed into Concordance?

Is there an explanation as to why DT would index as text the contents of binary files? More details:

I’ve indexed a folder from my filesystem into a DT group. This is a job folder containing various file types, some of which are binary files (Adobe Photoshop, Adobe XD, Adobe Illustrator, etc.)

When I view the concordance of this group it’s insanity. The notion of sifting through literally hundreds of thousands of cryptic text snippets (see video) so as to exclude them from the larger group’s results is craziness.

I definitely would like to keep them indexed in DT, but it seems that the only feasible option is to leave them out of the index and limit the usefulness of DT as a project hub.

It seems like a no-brainer to exclude binary files from a concordance (!) but maybe I’m missing something. I’ve searched the forums and docs but don’t see anything like this being addressed.

Am I missing something?

Do you know which files cause this? E.g. images shouldn’t but maybe some auxiliary files having an ambiguous file extension do.

Here’s an example Adobe XD file…
Product Adobe XD Template.xd.zip (3.8 MB)

It is detected as a text format.

Thanks, the next release will fix this.

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