Will DT (Pro) offer more DMS features in t future?


I adore DT for its knowledge mgmt and all of those other features that have been built in ! Personally, I’d like to use DT also as a DMS (Document Mgmt System) (doc in a large sense, everything that DT can handle, incl media files) - small scale, for myself (maybe more once the Enterprise Edition comes).

I am wondering if there is any plan to add some DMS features, such as alarms/reminders for documents, adding keywords from a predefined list (in order to avoid typos) to DT (Pro). I haven’t seen the table functionality in Pro, but that would only work if information in a table can be linked e.g., to a pdf, a picture, a letter, a scan, …

How do you, other users, think about this ?

DevonThink Newsflash talked about the recent article in
it-enquirer.com/index.php/it … nthink_pro
which mentioned DMS briefly:

"This classification functionality makes you wonder if DEVONthink could by any chance be considered a modest document management system. The answer is that it can be considered as such, but with very, very basic functionality.
For example, there is no check-in/check-out functionality, no versioning, and no direct and unbreakable link between an index, its collection, and the files in the file system. "

curiously - thanks - Daniel.