Will DT3 Pro work for us?

I understood that I could use it to keep track of these videos, scripts, b-roll film, photos, notes and so forth and file them in such a way that they can be found easily.

Yes, this is technically true but what I would seriously suggest is to create a new database and start playing around with it.

Much of the DEVONthink experience is what you bring to it - your thought or work processes. I’d also be including your son - and potentially these other collaborators, as you’re designing a system for a group, not just yourself.

File > New Database - saving it in the Databases folder in your Home directory.
Make some files; make some groups; get a feel for it.

Thank you, I will take your advice, and I take your point that this thread has now gone beyond my original question regarding Devonthink’s capabilities and more into my storage problems.

We have set up a database, 2 in fact, and we are successfully using Dropbox to sync and are both able to edit files okay, so I’m pleased to learn that Devonthink will be useful to us

It’s an interesting discussion for sure, and makes one think about the potential and the limitations of technology, even in these “hi-tech” days.

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It is such a headache for us non techies… technical savvy people use so many abbreviations, NAS, DAS, SAN and dozens of others.
Can you imagine everybody writing the simplest letter, or a news item or a magazine article using such abbreviations, and the reader having to constantly go to a search engine to look up what the writer means, before they can move on to the next word?

Mind you, I have learnt so much from this thread (with the help of Duck Duck Go) and the good members of this community.

Thank you everyone.