Word (Docx) preview

I suspect the answer is “no” given the research I have already done on the internet and in this forum. But here goes…

Most docx I get I only need to preview. However, in DT many do not display well (they are considered ‘complex’ layouts I believe). An example is tables not showing their outlines (those awful MS Word tables people use for minutes or agendas). I can of course open them in MS Word where they display fine.

On MacOS if I open these problem documents in Pages or the Preview app, they display the same (not well) so I assume these are using the same engine as DT.

My question: is there is a better Word ‘previewer’ that can be installed for DT to use (as it is not using MS Word)?

It would be so good not to have to open Word.

DEVONthink uses Apple’s QuickLook framework for such files. You should see the same thing as when you select a .docx file in the Finder and press the Spacebar.

Do you know of any alternative QuickLook for MS Word documents? I have one application (QL Markdown) that gives a better markdown QuickLook.

You can use that app with DEVONthink’s OpenWith or even make that app the default “open” app in macOS via Finder.

None I’m aware of.

My searches on the r/macapps subreddit turned up some interesting threads, but no mention of a full-compatibility plugin for MS Office file formats.