XMenu not displaying full folder contents in MenuBar dropdown

I’ve got a number of balls in the air now and don’t know if I’ve messed up or if this is new. Running MacBook Pro M1Max, MacOS 12.2 Monterey, running external monitors. Just set up external webcam and looked for FaceTime to test. XMenu dropdown of my Applications Folder does not show FaceTime. Of course it is there if I open Applications Folder.

Is there a maximum number of folder items that will display in XMenu dropdown? Have I exceeded it? Here are the other apps (alphabetical down to “F” that do not display in the Applications Folder through XMenu, but they ARE in my Applications Folder. There are many other apps within this alphabet range that do display in XMenu. Is there a clue I’m missing?

Appstore.app, Automator.app, Books.app, Calculator.app, Calibre.app, Chess.app, Contacts.app, Dictionary.app, FaceTime.app.

Welcome @Rick

No there isn’t a maximum number of items.
Apple doesn’t store its apps in the /Applications directory even if it looks like they’re in there.

Give Xmenu Full Disk Access in System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy.

Thanks, @Bluefrog, I saw the full access suggestion for a different problem and had set that as a possible solution for me, too, before posting. It didn’t seem to help me but I will confirm in the morning.

I can confirm now after 1) checking Full Access pref that XMenu is allowed, 2) restarting, 3) checking Full Access to confirm XMenu still allowed, and 4) the previously listed apps still do not display in XMenu dropdown (the exception is Calibre.app, which I messed up before: it does show on XMenu).

There may be some Apple trick to stash certain central apps elsewhere but display them in the Applications Folder like other apps. I’m not sophisticated enough to sort that out. I know I can add specific aliases of the missing apps independently to my XMenu dropdown. They just won’t be displayed within the Applications Folder in XMenu. Perhaps that is my only solution.

I’m not entirely sure so I’ll ask: Are you using the built-in Applications menu option or your own alias in the user-defined menu?

@BLUEFROG I think I have done it both ways over the past. Today, my first thought was that XMenu might not be updating apps live. (Otherwise, why could I see the FaceTime.app in the real Applications Folders, but not in the alias “Applications Folder” in XMenu?) So I made a manual alias of the Applications Folder and moved it to the XMenu window on the desktop. The FaceTime.app and others still did not display via XMenu.

If you think this might be a lead, I’ll try the other way, i.e., having XMenu create the alias.

@BLUEFROG I just changed my XMenu prefs to display “Applications.” Previously I was using only the “User Defined,” which I call “Frequent Apps.” My menu bar dropdown for that lists a number of frequently used apps and also an item of the full Applications folder. It’s that full Applications folder that does not display all the app contents.

When I just now changed the XMenu prefs to display “Applications” in the menu bar, I see it as “Apps” with the app store logo and all the Application Folder contents seem to be in place! I’m not sure if that’s a bug or a feature.

If I want what I thought I had, i.e., a single menu bar XMenu with a variety of frequent apps plus the full Applications Folder, is there a way to do that by adjusting the prefs? Or will I need to have multiple menu bar dropdowns?

Hi, I have the same problem, but I have to confess I have no idea how to open the preferences. I installed XMenu in 2009 and haven’t had to do anything since then, I’ve only lost some items in the Applications folder since upgrading to Monterey. In the XMenu Read Me (which is also 2009) it says “Press the Command modifier key while clicking on an XMenu item in the menu bar or right-click an XMenu menu to access the preferences” What is an XMenu item in the menu bar? Is that the star icon that I click on to get my menus? Pressing command while clicking it does nothing (literally, since nothing happens, it disables the menus). I can’t right click, I don’t even know what that means on a Mac.
I have XMenu 1.9.11 and Monterey.

Welcome @ngazidja
Use Control, not Command. And yes, Control-click the star or whatever XMenu item you have enabled.

Also, give XMenu Full Disk Access in System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy.

Thanks, did the privacy prefs and, yes, control rather than command. I guess you’ve changed things since 2009… :grinning:
However, the Applications menu still doesn’t show the Mac apps. Hmm.

My XMenu Preferences looks like this, and Applications are shown under “Apps” (shortened to fit on Bar). How does your Preferences look?

Much the same:

Using Bartender or similiar?

No bartender.

Are you missing the Apple applications in the menu?

Yes, as per the previous messages in the thread, only the Apple apps are missing.

Which apps are in /Applications but not in XMenu? Please list a few and I’ll compare with my machine.

AppStore, Automator, Books, Calculator, Calendar, Chess, Contacts, Dictionary, and so on - all the Apple apps

All those seen by my Xmenu.

Only thing I can think of now is permission of access. For “Books”, here are the permissions on my machine. Also may be some setting difference somewhere else, but right now I can’t think where.

Do you use the App Store version or the one downloaded from our website?