YouTube links and "Insert Back Link" not working

I have YouTube links in DT which I want to have markers / bookmarks for. When I select the “Insert Back Link” option playing the Youtube Video, only the link to the video without the current time is added to the Annotation. See CleanShot 2022-04-04 at 07.45.31 · CleanShot Cloud

Is there a way I have have these capture the current play time annotation like when playing a mp4 directly in DT?


I can right click on the YT video and copy link to current time to clipboard but when I paste it to Annotation, the link gets pasted as a text, not a hyperlink.

Ideally the YT “Insert Back Link” should appear like the same format of mp4

Maybe by using AppleScript and/or JavaScript but DEVONthink doesn’t include any YouTube support.

Given a URL, how do I enter it as markup in the Annotation textarea? I tried the markup syntax but it gets entered as plain text.

E.g. create a Markdown annotation via the pop-up menu first.

I’m getting the format to show like this where the text is not hyperlinked but rather the URL appears beside it.

However when the Insert Back Link for a mp4 is created, the time value itself gets hyperlinked.

How do I change the view of the Annotation in the Annotations & Reminders pane to have the Annotations in Preview mode?

This seems to be a rich text annotation.

Only by opening the annotation in its own window.

Thanks. Is there an option to create a Rich Text Annotation from the Annotations & Reminders pane? Or does it have to be created as a separate document and linked to the video?

Trying to figure out how DT is doing this when “Insert Back Link” option is selected.

Simply entering an annotation creates a rich text annotation.

Understood, but the Annotation textarea in Annotations & Reminders doesn’t allow formatting and hyperlinks via context menu they way that separate Annotation document editor has. Is there a syntax for typing in rich text annotation to produce text that are hyperlinked?

Is there a syntax for typing in rich text annotation to produce text that are hyperlinked?

If the link is on the clipboard you should be able to paste it though.

Unfortunately pasting a link from clipboard still pastes it only as plaintext, not hyperlink. I think I have enough information about the working and features of DT in this area do decide how best to proceed.


In an RTF file, pasting a link should yield a normal hyperlink.
This is an item link pasted into a default annotation file…


Ah, I can right click on the YT video, copy link to current time and then set a shortcut to paste the link as a right text hyperlink by converting the clipboard to a rich text hyperlink using KeyBoard Maestro. Will give it a try.

then set a shortcut to paste the link as a right text hyperlink by converting the clipboard to a rich text hyperlink using KeyBoard Maestro.

I’m not sure why you’d have to do these things. I just copied the link and pasted into the annotation file.

Here I have copied the URL at the current playback time and just pasted into the annotation file…


I’m not seeing this behavior. See CleanShot 2022-04-05 at 00.35.40 · CleanShot Cloud

How did you copy the URL/link?

It’s illustrated in the video where I right click on the YouTube video and select copy link with current time.