0 words, but text is cut and paste-able

I have about 200 pdfs in my database, amonst many thousands of pdfs, that say they have 0 word count and are pure images, but when i look at them in, i can cut and paste the text from them into another document in. is there a way to force devonthink pro to read these files and give them their legitimate word count? most of the pdfs do have an image embedded in them somewhere. when i try to convert these pdfs to rtf inside of dtpro and it just gave me blank files. other ideas? is there a fix for this?

Which Mac OS X version do you use? And what is selected in the PDF/PS preferences - pdftotext, PDFKit or TextLightning? But maybe the reason is that PDF documents are protected.

i converted to text based pdf in adobe pro 7, while yes maybe one or two are protected, i have around 200, they can be cut and pasted and printed and converted and when looking at a few in adobe there is no security on them. i’m using tiger’s pdfkit. I’ll try with the other here in a second.

You might also try to convert them to an older PDF format - I’m not sure if both Tiger’s PDFKit and Quartz fully support the latest version.