2 of my databases are not showing up on my ios app sync location on dropbox packetsync

I have trawled the forums but have not found an answer to my problem: my database is synced between my Mac laptop and my mac Ipad but when I go to my iphone devonthink to go app to add the location for my dropbox packet sync folder it connects but it only shows older databases and not the ones I am currently using. How do i fix this?

Welcome to the DEVONthink forum!

From what you say, it looks to be an erroneous setup. Perhaps go back to the setup instructions and re-do it on the iPhone.

  • Before trawling the forums, did you try the suggestions in the “DEVONthink Manual” on “Troubleshooting Sync Issues” (page 189 of the 3.9.7 Version) and in “Help”, and if so what did not work as suggested? Any error messages?
  • There is nothing in the setup documentation about adding in the DEVONthink packet sync folder to the setup. On the contrary, on page 67 of the “DEVONthink Manual” it talks about it

If you are using a Dropbox sync and also the Dropbox application, it is advisable to exclude theDEVONthink Packet Syncfolderinside the Apps folder from being synchronized with your Mac. This keeps the Dropbox app from wasting valuable disk space and bandwidth by re-downloading all changes you’ve made to your databases, and from spamming you with notifications.

  • Are you sure you have setup the account, sync store name, and encryption key (if you use that) correctly?

  • What happens if you delete the Dropbox setup on the iPhone and re-do it?


  • Do you really need to use an internet sync service? I find Dropbox reliable, but using Bonjour is more likely to be quicker and reliable and I rely on it most of the time.
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Thank you so much; this is very helpful. In answer to the above: I have deleted the dropbox setup numerous times on the iphone, but still the same result. It works on the ipad though.
If I opt for the bonjour set up for the phone, does that mean I have to change the ipad set up as well? Or can i have both types of sync operating at the same time? Also thanks for pointing out the updated manual - have just downloaded and am going through it now!

It’s not a requirement, but it usually makes sense to use the same sync method on the devices. It also reduces the number of variables in the case of troubleshooting.

Also, did you read DEVONthink’s Help > Tutorials > Sync via Dropbox?

Probably (?) caused by repeatedly using the same but wrong setup process. Follow the documented process exactly. The updated manual says the same thing in this topic as the previous versions.

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If you are using multiple Dropbox accounts and this suddenly happened after you updated to DEVONthink To Go 3.8.5, you could have run into a bug that reverts to old, long forgotten sync settings. So maybe it would help to deauthenticate and reauthentice Dropbox for DEVONthink To Go so it uses the proper Dropbox.


Yep, it’s very thorough but didn’t mention my specific problem. But I will go with the other suggestions, very good.