A basics question: crawl vs search

I’ve noticed that some search sets don’t use plugins, which got me to thinking about crawl vs search. Is this right – crawl will download (or attempt to) the entire site and then apply the search term, whereas search (via plugins) will use whatever engine(s) is/are specified to apply the search term. Is that the basics of it? And will a lot of modern sites that are built dynamically fail to be crawled because you can’t really download them?


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By default Crawl downloads the specified web pages (not the complete web sites). How many pages will be downloaded in addition to the specified ones depends on the “Follow Links” settings.

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3yrs later I made interesting discovery - search will often lead to a larger set of results, because many search engines search synonyms etc without being told to.

Example on a very small set of Agile related blogs, I searched “Antipatterns” the community also uses “Anti patterns” and “Anti-patterns”. Search found all of those variants. Crawl didn’t.

Niether is right or wrong. Just good to know.

Using the term Anti-patterns would accept all these strings also in Crawl mode.

Good to know.

Since I didn’t even think about “Antipatterns” vs “Anti patterns” until a DevonAgent didn’t turn up posts I knew existed, I benefit from Search over Crawl. For others YMMV.