A CSS to embellish *MultiMarkdown* rendering

Are you saying this latest version isn’t working?

I am unable to reproduce the problem here. This

# Headline 1

first paragraph

Next paragraph

![Bildschirmfoto 2023-05-17 um 16.47.41](Neuer%20Name%20(la%20la)/Bildschirmfoto%202023-05-17%20um%2016.47.41.png)

and the last paragraph

works perfectly (as it should) here. The only explanation I have is that the file you’re referencing in your example is not there or has another name. As long as this is not reproducible, it’s probably not a DT problem.

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Seems like it works, since @chrillek wasn’t able to reproduce the issue.

If anyone installs the stylesheet and runs into something similar, these workarounds work for me: 1) Rename the MD attachments group to a single word or 2) In settings → files → MD, change “Image reference” to “Item Link”.

I hadn’t, and I did upon your insistence. Still works just fine. There is, as I’ve said before, no relationship between a (however bad or faulty) CSS and a HTML viewer displaying a broken image icon.

Someone may install the stylesheet, and they may run into something similar. But the two facts are not related by any means. So, why do you keep hinting that they are? That kind of wild goose chase is not helpful.

I still believe that the sample code you posted doesn’t show the image in preview because the link is wrong. Did you check that the record
Screenshot 2023-05-16 at 20.31.35.png
exists in your group
Attachments (Markdown media),
named exactly like that, in the very same database as your MD file?

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It was meant as an observation, not insisting… you have the technical knowledge (not me) and I’m not contesting it, or purposefully hinting at anything.

Yes to all three.


I’m using it with slight modifications and it rocks. I heard about it through Dini Kourosh in first place. Thank you for sharing.

Hello, has anyone got any ideas on how to modify this css for printing? When I choose to print the rendered Markdown, it is creating a print version using the styling as in the viewer. For printing, I mean just bare-bones text, with headings in bold in decreasing font size. And, the entire body to print using Courier.
And thanks to the OP for the great stylesheet.

And search for CSS and print here, as there was a related thread only days ago. Searching first is always a good idea.

I notice that the style sheet has a styling for poetry. How do I invoke this styling in my markdown document?

See Documents > Markdown Documents in the built-in Help and manual.

<pre type="poetry">Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
This is CSS poetry,
Nicely rendered for you!</pre>

Do I have that right? I think so. If so, it lacks some of the attributes specified by the styling, such as font (the font should be Georgia):

type is not a valid attribute of the pre element:

Syntactically wrong HTML will never work as you desire. @BLUEFROG had already told you about type, btw.

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I do not understand HTML, guilty as charged.