Moving a tag to another database moves all records with the tag. That’s not what you want.
It’s after moving, so it’s the destination database.
Although it’s not possible to use Script Debugger’s debugging tools with it you could try Script: Comfortably developing a Smart Rule Script.
I took a look at your script. One problem is that you didn’t set in which database things should happen. See these lines:
set tagRec to get record at topTagLocation & thisTag
set destRec to get record at destinationTopLocation in database of thisRecord
In the first line the in database of
part is missing. And get record at
defaults to the current database
which means some “weird” things will happen … and some minutes later everything will work again … and then it fails … and so on
As mentioned your approach of moving the tag won’t work. I guess you tried with only one record, right? I think what you want is create location
, this creates a location if it doesn’t exist, if it exists it does nothing. So instead of moving the actual tag you could use the tag’s name
to create the location, leaving the tag untouched.
No idea what to do with the actual tags, though. Maybe the easiest way is to remove them from the record (set tags of thisRecord to {}
) and then use a Smart Group or Rule to delete empty tags.
property defaultTopLocation : "/TagsToSort"
property topTagLocation : "/Tags/"
property maxPrefixCharacters : 2
property FileLocations : {¬
{prefix:"rk", Toplocation:"/Research/RK.Group"}, ¬
{prefix:"rm", Toplocation:"/Research/RM.Group"}, ¬
{prefix:"rj", Toplocation:"/Research/RJ.Group"}}
on performSmartRule(theRecords)
tell application id "DNtp"
set oldDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "."
repeat with thisRecord in theRecords
set theTags to tags of thisRecord
repeat with thisTag in theTags
set thisPrefix to item 1 of (text items of thisTag)
if (count of characters of thisPrefix) ≤ maxPrefixCharacters then
set thisGroupTag_Location to my retrieveTopLocation(thisPrefix) & "/" & thisTag
set thisGroupTag to create location thisGroupTag_Location in database of thisRecord
replicate record thisRecord to thisGroupTag
end if
end repeat
end repeat
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelimiters
on error error_message number error_number
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelimiters
if the error_number is not -128 then display alert "DEVONthink" message error_message as warning
end try
end tell
end performSmartRule
on retrieveTopLocation(prefixToTest)
repeat with rec in my FileLocations
if prefixToTest is prefix of rec then
return Toplocation of rec
end if
end repeat
return defaultTopLocation
end retrieveTopLocation