Abbyy finereader within DT 3

download of the abbyy finereader is not working stops at 63 MB and takes for ever can you please check.

The file is actually hosted by Amazon S3 and therefore the download should be usually very fast.

is it possible to download it manually ?

You can download it from

To install:

  • In Finder select the menu Go->Go to Folder, copy and paste the line below and press Go
    ~/Library/Application Support/DEVONthink 3
  • Create a sub-folder called Abbyy and copy the downloaded file to Abbyy folder.
  • If the file did not automatically decompress on download (will have a .zip extension) double click on file to extract the helper app. You can then drag the .zip file to the trash.

The move method is not working
I get this message
“” can’t be opened because the identity of the developer cannot be confirmed.

I would recommend that you install the OCR using the DEVONthink->Install Add-0ns menu rather than installing manually. However if you need to install manually:

Before unzipping the file you will need to run the following command in terminal in folder containing the zip file:
xattr -c

Does anyone know if we will have to reinstall abbyy again with 3.1? When I installed 3.0 after being on the betas the 500mb installation happened again.

No, it shouldn’t.

Yes, many thanks, the update was smooth and short.

You’re welcome :slight_smile:

Hi. Just a note to say that 0.5Gb Abby fine reader decided to reinstall itself with 3.0.2, despite being installed several versions ago. I would have shut it off but I couldn’t be sure that this was unnecessary. It didn’t do it on 3.o.1 but it did on 3.0.0. This is clearly not ideal for future upgrades. that said thankyou for the new release.
Best wishes

Yes, it is necessary as we’ve been working on adjustments in using the OCR engine. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

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Oh right, of course. Many thanks for explaining Jim. I have seen a lot of Pdf enhancements coming through, as well, so I should have guessed.

You’re welcome :slight_smile:

While you are working on improving the OCR process, could you please add an option to leave the original image untouched, in addition to any compression options? The quality of the image after OCR seems to have gotten worse, not better, with 3.0.2.
I can OCR with PDFPen Pro and have the image unaffected, but it’s an extra step that shouldn’t be needed.

PDFPen isn’t a reliable comparison as it’s not using the same resources.

I can’t speak for Development but the request is noted.

Yes, I assume the OCR engine is different, but it shows what’s possible.

Is there a reason why the image needs to be altered at all?

It’s just part of how the OCR engine operates. Whether it’s addressable or not, I can’t say. We are currently discussing some issues with the developers.

3.0.3 seems to have solved the issue of image degradation. Thanks to the DT team.

Before you download 3.0.3. be aware that you 0.5 Gb of Abbyy will download after the main download.