About the text direction of PDF

How can I set the text direction of PDF+Text. I use Adobe Acrobat ocr a document and import to Devonthink. But when I copy text in Devonthink, the result is inverse than origin document. For example:

Origin document:




This can’t be customized as it’s automatically handled by the PDFkit framework of macOS. Might be another bug of this framework.

Thanks for you reply, My default pdf reader is pdf expert. Everything is okay when I use pdf expert. But when I use Preview to read pdf document. This bug will occurrence.

Welcome @Vectors

But when I use Preview to read pdf document. This bug will occurrence.

Preview also uses Apple’s PDFKit framework. PDF Expert does not.

I know this, thank you! And do you have any advice to change the text order? Because Devonthink is also use PDFkit, I have to search inverse.

As mentioned previously this is nothing we (or you) can adjust at this time.