Hello everyone,
I am having a small problem with wiki linking for which I have not found answer in the forum. I enabled automatic wiki linking with Names and Aliases. Writing a note in markdown everything works well as you can see from the following screenshot:
However, probably after I type some character which I have not been able to identify, the wiki links disappear. Here is a screenshot of the final part of the same file:
The last two in the bullet list should be backlinks to existing notes I created with this script. Even wiki links not created with this script stop working after a certain point in the same file:
“Csikszentmihalyi1975” should be linkable because I have a note with this very same name.
Am I missing something?
Thank you in advance,
A screen capture of this note - "Csikszentmihalyi1975” - and the Info inpsector for it could be helpful.
Ok, I think I found out the culprit (took me some time): I usually mark concepts to which I want to go back with a double $$ sign. Somewhere in between the file I have the following string:
$$ Feedback loop: desire for feedback is the major virtue of those who want to learn and grow. Growth vs. fixed mindset.
If I delete the ‘$$’ all wiki links are back.
Is this normal? I mean, should I completely avoid using the ‘$$’?
Dp you have MathJax support enabled in Preferences > Media?
Actually, this was reported before but I’d have to look it up.
If you have $, it would work.
If you have $$$, it would work.
If you have $$, it breaks.
Also, and this is for @cgrunenberg as well…
$$$$$$ testing something
renders as \[\]$$ testing something
even if MathJax is disabled.
No, no MathJax Support nor Prism. I only uploaded a css for markdown preview.
I also noticed that this:
$$ Feedback loop: blah blah.
causes the wiki links to disappear; if instead I remove the space between the ‘$$’ an the following word like this
$$Feedback loop: blah blah.
all subsequent wiki links are ok.
If I use one (‘$’) or three (‘$$$’), as you wrote, everything is ok regardless of the space in between.
Thank you for your replies!
You’re welcome.
Development will have to look into this.
Seems to be a feature or bug of MultiMarkdown.
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