Ack! Missing Data

OK, not an emergency, but something’s amiss for the first time in my long use of DEVONthink.

Some of my less frequently used databases in DT3 are, well, empty. Just discovered it. Some are partially empty (some files are in the database, some aren’t).

I’m not totally freaked out because, inspecting the packages of the databases through the Finder seems to reveal that my data is intact there.

Can you advise, please?

– Robert

Hold the Option key and choose File > Restore Backup. Choose an earlier time and see if the files are visible then.

Thanks, Jim. That worked. Are those backups automatically generated (beyond the whole computer backups I do regularly)?

– Robert

Those are internal metadata backups that occur weekly, but only store the last two weekly versions.

And you’re welcome :slight_smile: