activation of DA Express function in DA Beta 3.0 ?

In the Balcony news from the 24th of May there was this hint:
“PS: If you already a user of the latest DEVONagent 3.0 public beta then you already have it. Just activate the menu extra from the Preferences.”

I’m looking and searching but I couldn’t find how to activate the Menu “Extra” in my Preferences (“Einstellungen”) or is there a special hidden click?

My beta version is DA 3.0pb3… and there seems to be no newer version available…


…o.k. I figured out, that Menu “Extra” is called “Menüerweiterung” and that actually the Express function was activated, but I couldn’t see it first: Reason: The normal menu list on the German DA menu bar is too wide. And the icon for the Express function is not on the very right side next to Spotlight - its on my MacBook Pro screen quite in the centre of the menu bar - and so only visible, when I have not (!) a DA windows active. If I have a DA window active I have no access to the Express function… tricky.

Is there a way from my side to arrange the menue bar icons new? I found only that I can switch them on or off, but I couldn’t move them…



No, it is not possible to rearrange the menu extra icons. Well, it is, but it is prohibited by Apple’s rules for the App Store. Sorry.