"Add + open" in sorter

I’d wish that when pressing ALT, the “add” button on the sorter becomes “add and open” so that I can continue editing something I jotted in sorter which ends up needing more editing comfort.

The sorter is great for starting to jot immediately but is not comfortable for when the content starts to grow, like for discussion notes, and I’d like to be able to jump to the normal DT editor right from the sorter without having to think about it (during the discussion).


In the meantime one workaround might be to use the command Go > To Last Destination (Cmd-L) after entering the note. Other ideas coming to my mind are to use a smart rule and a certain attribute (e.g. a tag “Open”) to open the document or the History global smart group to find the document.

Thx for the tips. CMD-L yet does not help when the only open window is in search mode.

Since I always capture to general inbox, I could script the opening of most recent document in it. Yet, another workaround.

Try Script: Open last added record