Adding notes to documents

Is there a way to add notes or comments to documents? The purpose is to support collaboration when working on documents. I can’t find a way to review a document and add notes/comments linked to specific areas of a document or spreadsheet. For example - ‘comments’ in MS Word.

Thanks in advance,

What type of “document” and “comment” are you thinking of?

It is, of course, possible to edit – and thus add comments to – plain text, HTML, Formatted Notes, and RTF/RTFD from within DEVONthink. If you are using a collaboration web tool like Google Drive it is possible (sometimes - YMMV due to Google’s shapeshifting security) to access those documents for editing and comment from within DEVONthink’s browser. Anything else – including Microsoft Office documents – you would need to edit – and comment – in an external editor.

Other options include the Annotation templates – both those included with DEVONthink and the community contributions, of which there are dozens of examples. Here is one of the popular examples.

Thanks Korm - I appreciate you sharing the link to the script, it is very helpful.