Adding shortcut keystroke to script commands?

I tend to use the script command “Add PDF document to DEVONthink” quite a lot and wonder if there is a way to add a keyboard shortcut to this command? My OS is OSX.6.2 on a Macbook Pro. Many thanks for any help.

try FastScripts:

It will replace the system’s scripts menu and give you the option to add shortcuts (and organise the scripts)

The light version is free (limited to ten shortcuts).


I started using FastScripts (which is a wonderful program, btw), but after awhile I realized I could do the same by using (my most used app) LaunchBar.

For instance for the Readability scripts I run within DTP I do:

command+space to invoke LauchBar
R+1 to invoke the Script 1
R+2 to invoke the Script 2

Thank you for your suggestions, Fastscripts looks t be the ideal solution for me. :smiley: Much obliged.