adding to a note

When you highlight a piece of text, then use services to make a rich note then continue to append to that note, it would be nice if you could easily also make a note on that note. as it is, you have to find the note where you’ve saved it, add to the note and then SAVE it. if you don’t save it, when you return to your original document and you append again, it erases the note you’ve manually added.

sometimes I’m in a pdf and i’m grabbing chunks of it and sending it to a note that I’ve started and I’d love to be able to comment on some of the chunks i’m sending.

I’d support this idea. It’s something I have often wished for. I suppose it could be called “Append to Previous Rich Text Note” or “Append to Previous Plain Text Note” or something.


Not exactly what @mammalian and @Declan are looking for, but I have a template that will use any text selected in any application, paste it into an RTF in DEVONthink (you are prompted for the destination) like this:

I have no idea where I got this template, but you’re welcome to it. Because it works in any open app, you should unzip and install the template file in a folder in ~/Library/Scripts so that it appears in the global Scripts menu rather than in DEVONthink’s scripts menu.

[size=85](I can leave this up for a few days, but the link will eventually die. PM me if the link stops working.)[/size]

thanks. i’ll try that out.