Advice on file / folder management?

I currently use DTP as the main repository for all of my files (Word doc, RTFs, webpages, Excel docs, etc.). But lately the file and folder management has completely broken down.

Here’s the process I’m trying to achieve: (1) I currently capture or save files into the Global Inbox; (2) I try to pre-sort these files according to subject within the Global Inbox, though I’d like to also triage them (i.e., organize them in order of importance, in terms of what needs to be read first) – perhaps through as smart folder system (though I’m not sure how best to pre-sort by subject AND triage the documents, except through a replication system (unless there’s another recommendable way); (3) I then want to move the highest priority documents into Mobile Sync so that I can read and mark them up (i.e., annotate them in DTP to-go, or whatever annotation software that will enable me to read and annotate PDF, Word docs and RTFs), (4) I’d like to save these annotated documents with the same file names (i.e., not as separate and different files) so that they can be re-synced as regular, saved files after they’ve been annotated; (5) once the sync is complete with the newly annotated files, I would then be able to sort the files into the appropriate folder (within the appropriate database, of course).

Is it possible to achieve this process? If so, what are some of the steps I should take to get there? If not, what steps would you recommend so that I can get close to achieving this process?

I would greatly appreciate ANY ideas to help to correct the operational functions so that I can better organize the file and folder systems. The system in its current form is unmanageable and chaotic, and I’m desperate to fix it. Thanks!