Alfred Workflow for DEVONagent

A simple DEVONagent search set workflow for Alfred. Run the DEVONagent keyword (das ) or set your own keyword to search with different DEVONagent search sets. AppleScript, based on information I found regarding “x-devonagent”. Hope it’s useful.

I can’t post a link, but you find it using “DEVONagent_Search.alfredworkflow” in DEVONagent with the search set deep.

(As noted below: This requires the Alfred PowerPack to run.)

Welcome @protonymus

Alfred workflows require the PowerPack, correct?

using “DEVONagent_Search.alfredworkflow” in DEVONagent with the search set deep.

In DEVONagent? To find the workflow?

Yes. PowerPack is necessary. I would have posted the link, but I couldn’t. Maybe because this is my first post?

A Deep search in DEVONagent for a single file like this would be a very resource-intensive approach and not really what DEVONagent is built for.

I upped your trust level. See if you can post a ZIP of your workflow.

Okay. I hope this works. Otherwise the search just took a few seconds. Google is also possible, it shows my post in the Alfred forum. Deep search shows also the GitHub entry.

I upped your trust level. See if you can post a ZIP of your workflow.

Did you try posting the ZIP here again?

I tried. Now I get the message: “Sorry, new users can not upload attachments.” (1.0 MB)


Had to log out and log in again…

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