Type dnt + keywords to search in all opened databases in Alfred.
Type dnts + keywords to search in DEVONthink window.
Type dnd to choose which datebase to search
Press Enter, then type in keywords to search in the chosen database.
Press ⌘Command + Enter to list all tags in the database, then choose a tag and press Enter to list all documents which have the tag.
Type dnm + tag1, tag2, ... to list all documents which have these tags in all database. Tags inputed must be exact. For example, Tag aBcD can’t be inputed as aBc or abcd
Actions for Workspace:
Type dnw to list all workspaces, press Enter to load the selected workspace.
Type dnwa + WorkspaceName to save current workspace named WorkspaceName.
Hi all — Thrilled to see the updated workflow. When I download the zip from Github, the folder, once unzipped, doesn’t appear to contain an installer that I can click on to open the workflow in Alfred’s preferences. Instead, there’s simply a list of the contents of the workflow (workspace.py, search.js, info.plist, icon.png, getTagsList.py and so on… but no installer.) I’ve seen this happen in downloading a few other workflows in the past and haven’t found a way around it. I feel like I’m missing something obvious here. Any ideas? Thanks!
I love the workflow—thank you very much. Is there any chance it will be expanded to include an option to import a file into specified locations in DEVONthink databases?
Yeah, I would have said the same thing, but this kind of import was part of another workflow and I found it saved me a lot of time to find, collect, and move files to their destinations without having all the manual labour and clicking and dragging. The whole point of Alfred is to cut through that kind of tedium.
Although I’ve been able to tweak most devonthink workflows to work with version 3, I don’t understand his workflow well enough to make it work. The “move to devonthink” file action is part I was using regularly.
This is not directly Alfred, but I’m pretty sure they could be ported: I have three KM workflows to do just that. You press a key and you get a selection of groups or databases which you can then select using a “Spotlight” like interface.
Your selected file is then moved to DT3.
I use this ALL THE TIME.