allow narrower column in Full Screen

50% is the narrowest option … and it’s WAY too wide for editing. I usually use 4 inches. WriteRoom and Scrivener allow the user to fully determine the width, with a slider control. Why not do the same here? Or, if you like the 10% chunks interface, take it down to 20%.

Some of us have screens 15" … or WIDER!

Thanks in advance.

thanks for the suggestion! So far it’s the first request of its kind, anyone else interested in this?

I just use Edit in WriteRoom whenever I want to go full-screen. Not what you’re asking, but if you’ve got WR then it’s something you can do until the DT folks handle your request.

Other things that make DTPO not very fun as a full-screen editor for me:

  • no margin at the top of the screen
  • lack of typewriter-style scrolling (leave the bottom 1/3 of the page blank)
  • doesn’t work if I have DTPO on my secondary display. Just shows me a black screen

Not major issues because like I said I just use WriteRoom…but I guess it’d be nice to take that extra step out. I don’t use WR for much more than a slightly more attractive full-screen editor. But if there are other priorities I fully understand :slight_smile: