Amazon AWS Database with D3?

We’re a research group that looks at small arms in the Middle East and Central Asia. Our research media and primary sources range from images to PDFs, articles, etc…

Right now we’re on Amazon AWS for the database. However I really like D3 for the user interface and ability to add data entries from the web, mobile, etc…

I want to figure out a way to use Devonthink as the front end app, that drops data to our AWS system for further editing/classification. If I could use Devonthink in its own form I would, but I can’t create single entries with multiple images.

What kind of files are you referring to? There is no entry in DEVONthink.

This is my point and why we are using Amazon AWS for our entries.
Files like images, Youtube videos, social media posts, etc…

I’m not sure what you mean by ”this is my point” but you certainly add many types of files into DEVONthink.

Amazon AWS offers dozens of services and technologies. You’re more likely to find a solution if you can be more specific.

We create entries of things that can be edited and assessed. Right now we cannot do that in Devonthink, we simply add files.

Hmmm can you give me some ideas/solutions that are on AWS?

Essentially I need an app such as DevonThink that pushes data into our AWS database, properly sourcing and citing where it came from as well.

Don’t I understand this sentence because I’m not a native speaker of English? Or is it so general that it’s simply void of any meaning? What is an “entry”? How do you “create” it? Which kind of “database” do you use on AWS – you could be running a VM with MySQL/MariaDB/PostgreSQL/Oracle/SQL Server. Or you could be using one of Amazons database services like Aurora, DynomaDB or Cassandra?

Googling for “AWS database” might help.