Annotation PDF grayed

Why is i not possible to annote this PDF -Document, previously captured by DT3?
Thank youÜbersäuerung_durch_die_LCHF-Ernährung__-LCHF_Deutschland_pdf__21_0_x_29_7_cm__5_pages__249_

This is a feature (actually an extension, see system preferences) of macOS which can only annotate images/PDF documents in rich text documents.

That’s sad. So you must open a PDF in “Preview” , and then save it again in the Inbox , because DTPO locks changes coming from outside editors?

So you must open a PDF in “Preview” , and then save it again in the Inbox , because DTPO locks changes coming from outside editors?

No, that’s incorrect. That toolbar button only works on attachments in rich text files and is controlled by macOS. It has nothing to do with PDFs.
Also, DEVONthink does not ”lock changes coming from outside editors”.

Hello @BLUEFROG, every time i open a PDF that is in DT with “Open with Preview”, Preview says , after edit, that it has to save it as a copy and cannot save the same PDF directly!

@BLUEFROG Also i don’t undrstand why the “Annotate” symbol in the tools bar is NOT the same as “Annotate” in the Edit menu (that works now). Why is there no simple button “Annotate” working with PDF in the Toolbar of the DT-Viewer please?

See Format > Show Editing Bar

great, thank you.