I researched the Annotation smart group I now see in my global inbox. Don’t recall seeing it before. I can’t seem to find anything in the manual on it. What is it’s purpose?
When you use the Annotation template, this Smart Group is automatically created. The Annotation document is created in the same group as the original document, but this Smart Group allows you to access all the Annotation documents in one place.
where could I read about “annotation template”. I can’t find what you are referring to. thank you
I think this info is dated. In 2017 there was DEVONthink 2 …
This was a template of version 2 which isn’t part of version 3 anymore (as the Annotations & Reminders inspector handles this now). I would suggest to ignore all posts & threads older than 18 months as the information related to version 2 is quite often outdated or not relevant anymore.
You could add after:2019-09-12
to all queries in this forum. It’s the release date of DEVONthink 3.
Or include the beta phase if you like.
Is there any way to hide the Annotations group, especially in the Global Inbox?
I mostly access the Annotations via the main documents that I annotated. So, I do not need to access the Annotations directly.
For Global Inbox, I try to empty it every day. Move all the processed docs to the relevant database. But the empty Annotations group remains.
How to hide it?
No, you can’t hide it.
If you look at the preferences I showed you yesterday, look at the dropdown in the preferences above it.
Yes, I have checked the preferences before posting. Hoping that there is a hidden preference somewhere.
For now, I just have to delete the Annotation group to empty my global inbox.
If you use Annotations: In same group, the Annotations group shouldn’t be created and the annotation file made in the same location as the referenced file.
Yes, that get rid of the Annotations group. However, that also results into many annotation files which I do not want to see.
The annotation file alone does not have meaning/context without reference to the original/main file. I only want view the annotation when I open up the original/main file.
Having all the annotation in a shared group helps to hide the annotation files from the item list, especially when there are many of them. Thus, for now, I rather deal with one Annotation group than many annotation files that I do not want to see, in the item list.