Any news on ODT support?

I am an avid supporter of open formats. In a previous post (back in 2005), it was mentioned that support for viewing ODT formats in DevonthinkPro was going to be included. Any news on this?

With our upcoming Leopard update it comes for free thanks to Apple’s efforts to support this in Leopard (note: not in Tiger!).

Since the textedit in leopard will allow editing of .docs and .odt file directly, does this mean that in the leopard version of devonthink, we can edit the .docs and .odt directly (i.e. without the need to convert it to a .rtf)?

Occasionally I might still prefer to edit my .odt usings NeoOffice, has the feature (it is mentioned in the help) that allows changes made with external software to be saved into devonthink been implemented yet?

Even Leopard’s TextEdit does, internally, convert these files to RTF and back to Word or OpenDocument. We will, however, keep all files without conversion in DEVONthink 2.0, due in 2008.