Apple Notes & .drawing files

I’ve imported my Apple Notes to dtpo and now have a bunch of .drawing files in my attachment folder. Anyone figure out how to view these? It appears .drawing = .dwg which are CAD files, but I don’t have/use CAD software?

This .drawing isn’t a DWG file (which are indeed CAD files). Apple’s drawing capability in Notes is a proprietary thing. There would need to be a QuickLook plugin for this format to view it in DEVONthink.

Is Notes the only app that can open this file type outside of dtpo ?

I can’t answer that as I believe they’re not intended (by Apple) to be separated from the source.

If you drag the apple note drawing/writing out of apple notes, it gets exported as a png file. You might have to do it by hand for now if you wanted to move them over to DEVONthink.

Thanks! Also I just found out if you use the Share sheet and share to dtpo it brings the note in as rtfd and you can see the image.