Applescript for bulk MBOX import?


I’ve been importing single MBOX files into DTPO for a while now and am very happy. But I have 120 MBOX files I’d like to automate the process for. The import menu doesn’t seem to allow more than one file to be imported at once.

Can I use Applescript for this? I saw the dictionary entry for “import,” and the type attribute can specify:

all/chat/image/location/markup/pdf and postscript/quicktime/rich/script/sheet/simple

but I didn’t see “email” or “mbox” in that list. What’s the right attribute to specify?

Is there an existing Applescript, or partial example?

Thanks, Charles

OK, I found a good solution to my problem. I have eight years of mbox files broken down by month for a total of 96 files. I didn’t want to import each one manually, as DTPO2 currently requires you.

The mbox format can be concatenated, so using Terminal, I can:

cat mail01.mbox mail02.mbox > combined.mbox

The resulting “combined.mbox” has all the emails, and will form a group named “combined” when imported. So for my years of files, I can concatenate them into years, and end up with groups like: 1999, 2000, 2001, etc.

Works for me!

HTH, Charles

Now, three and a half years later, I am in the same position as the original poster: I have more than 600 .mbox files that I’d like to import into DTPO version 2.4.2, and I am desperately looking for an automated way.

I’d like to avoid the “cat a.mbox b.mbox c.mbox > abc.mbox” trick since I want each .mbox to be imported into its own DT group, like it happens when each file is imported separately.

Have any solutions become available in the mean time?

Thanks a lot in advance.