AppleScript to open with excel (ie open with) and not in DT preview?

Hi all

I have the following simple AppleScript

tell application "DEVONthink 3"
	set theDoc to get record with uuid "E7CDF2EA-C890-4C07-983A-4F27C931AF6C"
	open window for record theDoc
end tell

how does one adjust this to open with excel (ie open with first option) and not in DT preview?

thx so much


Open in default app:

-- Open record in default app

do shell script "open " & quoted form of theRecord_Path

Or if you donā€™t want the default app:

-- Open record in external app

set theRecord_UUID to "18FFDF32-AB47-4F06-B03D-DC82256FD4C5"
set theAppName to "BBEdit"
set theLink to "x-devonthink-item://" & theRecord_UUID & "?openexternally=1&app=" & theAppName
open location theLink

If an app name contains spaces you have to replace them with %20, e.g.



Forgot that one can use open with -a:

-- Open record in external app

set theRecord_Path to "/the/record/path/"
set theAppName to "Nisus Writer Pro"
set theApp to application theAppName
set theAppPath to POSIX path of (path to theApp)
do shell script "open -a " & quoted form of theAppPath & space & quoted form of theRecord_Path

@pete31 thx so much both examples worked :slight_smile:

now im trying to create a group in the same folder as the excel file is but with no sucess

tell application id "DNtp"
	set theGroup to get record with uuid "2771EE93-7E42-4F0C-82F6-341B6C686D5E"
	set root of viewer window 1 to theGroup
	create record with {name:PENDING, type:group} in theGroup
end tell

do you know by chance what im missing here?

thx so much


Create the group in location group of theRecord (your theDoc is my theRecord).

The name property is not a string.


thx both @pete31 and @cgrunenberg

not sure im following you both (yeah I know I suck at codingā€¦ :))

The name property is not a string.

you mean I need to quote it? I tried but that gave me an error?

perhaps do you mind to show me an example?

thx so much!


Yes, this create record with {name:"the new group", type:group} in theGroup should work, assuming that theGroup is valid.

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This is not an answer to your question, and I suppose you already know, but āŒ˜ā‡§O will open the currently selected document in the default application instead of DEVONthink.

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And the default application can be changed in the Finder. In addition, thereā€™s a preference to always open items externally after double-clicking.

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perfect thx!!