Applying intelligence for pdf viewing


my database has a lot of pdf files and what really bugs me is the fact that DT doesn’t handle them properly.

a) it is slow. it takes about 2-4 seconds to see a pdf file after clicking on the title (roughly 1000-7000 words) [mac pro with 8 cores and 14GB of ram on a second gen intel SSD]

b) it doesn’t zoom in from the beginning. why bother showing anything if it is so tiny i can’t read it (screenshot attached)

c) why can’t i zoom in easily with the mouse?

d) Annotation.

e) resizing the page-thumbnails

f) pdf document has 10000 words and changing the title completely changes the score/see also list.

g) forgot the bug :wink:
when opening a pdf document, searching (cmd+f) doesn’t search the entire document (even when activated) but only from the current position downwards.

Please, don’t waste your resources on an iphone or ipad app nor any other software versions until you can get the basics of DT right.

Thank you,

Please send one or more examples to cgrunenberg - at -, thanks.

DEVONthink remembers the last used zoom (e.g. to fit, to width or actual size). I’d suggest to zoom to width.

See Also doesn’t use titles and therefore renaming shouldn’t have any impact (and doesn’t have over here). Could you send me some screenshots too?

Mail sent.

I suggest making fit width the default zoom for new installations, or better yet make the default zoom visible as a setting.

DTx is complex software with a steep learning curve. I’d been hunting for the expected preference item to set the default zoom, but it doesn’t exist. Instead, DTx remembers the last zoom as Christian has pointed out. It’s a hidden, non-obvious, and undocumented feature (at least I didn’t find it documented before finding this post). Now that I know, it’s not an issue, but it will be for the next new user.

Preview default zoom.png