Archive sidebar will not remember width

After having an unused license sitting for ages, I have finally been getting into DEVONagent, and must say I really like it!

I would like to use the built in Archive more, but the behaviour of the window sidebar is driving me crazy. I assume it must be a bug.

The default column width only shows around 20 characters. Anything more and the folder titles are truncated, meaning even less. Much too cramped for me. No problem – I can of course just drag it wider! … but DEVONagent doesn’t remember the width. Or, it actually does, but there is something strange going on. It kinda looks like there is a single column or something within the sidebar, and that is what resets every time I close the window. I can’t grab it. And I have to drag the separator back so it touches the column/folder titles for it to “stick” and react to my dragging.

It is probably much easier to grasp by visual example, so I’ve included a screen recording.

Skærmoptagelse 2024-10-29 kl. 06.42.49-3

Closeup. What is that line?

I’m on macOS 13.6.9 and DEVONagent 3.11.8.

I don’t know if it was always like this, but I find it hard to imagine this is intended. Can anyone else report the same? Or is it something with my system?

I hadn’t noticed, but you’re right: there’s a rogue second column in the sidebar when the Archive window is first opened, and you have to slide the separator over to it to make it go away. I wonder how long that’s been there? I mainly use Digests rather than Archives these days, so haven’t opened that view for a while.

Just FYI - I am not seeing this issue in my current internal build.

Thanks for confirming, @NickLowe.
Since the default folder name is your query, I find it useful as a way to take snapshots of results when designing/adjusting a query. Or for saving the best results (or all, after some pruning if needed). But I’m experimenting with the best ways to use it, since you can also search in the archive and more. In that case it is nice to organize the results, and I’d like the sidebar to behave.

And that’s good to hear, @BLUEFROG. (Have you tried the current official build?)

I know you don’t comment on future release dates, but would you consider releasing a small point release with a fix sooner rather than later? There can be a while between DEVONagent releases. (The current version is from April 30th, so the next release might not be that far away, but previous release was March 3rd, 2023, from what I can tell.)

On the other hand, it’s not that big a deal in the grand scheme of things. It won’t keep me from using the software, at least.

(Edit: I only asked because it sounded like whatever causes this is already fixed in your internal build.)

We only issue hotfixes on critical issues, e.g., crashes, etc. And while I can’t comment on timeframes, it likely won’t be too far in the future.

Also, I’m not seeing any issue in the 3.11.8 release nor do I see any stray lines in the sidebar.

PS: Ventura is at 1.37. You should stay current with the OS point releases.

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I agree this doesn’t need a hotfix, and I didn’t expect a release for addressing just this. I thought there might potentially be a couple of smaller things that could be addressed at the same time. But of course I don’t know what minor or major things are happening in development and what plans you have.

Please know that I love the work you guys do, and that I appreciate you are a small team and need to prioritise!

Re: your edit. Seems like there might be a problem on my end then, if you’re not seeing it in the official 3.11.8. I’m usually pretty on top of releases (even if I have chosen to stay on Ventura for now), but I have missed this somehow. I’ll report back after I update my system.

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It’s not just you. I’m seeing it, in 3.11.8, on both the final Catalina (10.15.7) and the latest Sequoia (15.1), though I don’t currently have any intervening system versions to check.

Including the same “line” ?

Yes, even when there are no archives present; here’s how it looks in this week’s point release of Sequoia.

I just upgraded to 13.7.1, and the issue persists. I don’t have any immediate idea why this would occur on some systems, but not others.

The next maintenance release will fix this glitch.


I can confirm that the 3.11.9 release fixed this. Very much appreciated!

Also, I’m sorry if I sounded demanding or impatient – that was really not my intention. This is already much quicker than I hoped. Not even 1 month! :smiley:

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