Automatically create a new entry from model on specify group


Anyone knows if there’s a way to automatically create a new entry from model I created for specify group. My issue is the following, I am making a database for some grammar stuffs and I want all my entries for certain groups to be as formatted as I created, so that I I only have to input the entries in my fields. Now of course I can already do that but I can’t find a quick way; now I have to do group>new from a model>and select my model…

Would there be a way to have a quick bottom for my model, like so that I that I can action it one 1 click?

Thank you!

Take a look at this thread and see if it helps

You would substitute the concept “template” for your “model” concept. The technique described in that thread can be adapted to include templates documents – just put them inside the folders you create. Templates can be as simple or complex as your needs dictate.

Thank you for your quick reply

I looked at your thread but from what I understand it only explain how to create a custom template. What I want is to have a shortcut access to a without double going all through the menus…

Look at the way the Annotation template is named. That’s how to trigger it by the keyboard shortcut. You may have to experiment to find an available (not used elsewhere) keyboard shortcut for your template.

Tip: You can inspect the folder of templates by choosing Data > New from Template > Open Templates Folder.

If you have a template (say it is called “Magic Model”) for which you want a keyboard shortcut, do one of the following:

  1. To the end of the template’s name and before the extension add three underscores & key names (cmd, shift, ctrl, opt) & characters. So if you want Magic Model to have a short cut of ⌥⌘7 then name it

(note that the extension part of the name depends on the type of template “.templatescriptd”, or “.dtTemplate”)

  1. Open System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > App Shortcuts and create a shortcut for DEVONthink whose “Menu Title” is “Magic Model” and assign your ⌥⌘7 shortcut to it.

Since hotkeys are limited (and some can be finger-breakers :smiley: ), … help-menu/

Note: An addition to the blog post… Command-Shift-/ (or you can call it Command-?), quickly opens the Help menu, ready for search data.