Batch convert Web Archives to PDF


I have a bunch of Web Archives and I would like to convert them to PDF
I am aware of the gear icon in the web viewer where I can make a PDF, but when I select multiple Web Archive files this obviously disappears as is file specific.
The export option does not contain the convert to PDF.

Is there a way to batch convert PDF within Devonthink

I am happy for the files / new PDFs to remain in a Devonthink database but I do not think I can get automator or hazel to look into the database folder, if I need to batch convert via script so I guess would have to change the workflow to include a indexed folder if this is not possible from within Devonthink ?

Any hints ?
Please advise and thanks in advance for any help.

You could install the script “Convert URLs to PDF documents” (see Scripts > More Scripts…), select the web archives and run the script (Scripts > Download > Convert URLs to PDF documents)

Thats great thank you
This is an ongoing workflow, so has saved a lot of accumulated time.

Thanks again !