That should be possible by using the imprint
command in a script. Something like
function performsmartrule(records) {
const app = Application("DEVONthink 3");
records.forEach(r => {
app.imprint(app, {font: "Helvetica",
position: "top right",
size: 48,
record: r,
foregroundColor: [65534, 30000, 30000],
That JavaScript code can be used in a smart rule (which should, of course, select the right PDFs first). It imprints the name of the current record at the top right of each page in a light red color. The size 48
might be too large for longer file names, though.
To split a file, you can use the following code:
(() => {
const app = Application("DEVONthink 3");
// Change baseName to whatever you want as name for the new PDFs. You'll get
// "/Users/ck/Desktop/newPDF-1.pdf", "Users/ck/Desktop/newPDF-2.pdf" etc.
const baseName = '/Users/ck/Desktop/newPDF-';
// Change to the number of pages to be stored in each new PDF
const pagesPerPDF = 3;
const record = app.selectedRecords[0];
const pathURL = $.NSURL.fileURLWithPath($(record.path()));
const currentPDF = $.CGPDFDocumentCreateWithURL(pathURL);
const currentPages = $.CGPDFDocumentGetNumberOfPages(currentPDF);
const mediaBox = $.CGPDFPageGetBoxRect($.CGPDFDocumentGetPage(currentPDF, 1),$.kCGPDFMediaBox);
let pagesWritten = 0;
let fileNo = 1;
// Write pagesPerPDF pages from the old PDF into each new PDF
while (pagesWritten <= currentPages) {
const fileName = `${baseName}${fileNo}.pdf`;
const fileURL = $.NSURL.fileURLWithPath($(fileName));
const PDFContext = $.CGPDFContextCreateWithURL (fileURL, mediaBox, null);
for (let pageNo = pagesWritten; pageNo < pagesWritten + pagesPerPDF && pageNo < currentPages; pageNo++) {
$.CGPDFContextBeginPage(PDFContext, null);
const page = $.CGPDFDocumentGetPage(currentPDF, pageNo + 1);
$.CGContextDrawPDFPage(PDFContext, page);
pagesWritten += pagesPerPDF;
It splits the currently selected DT record (which should be a PDF, of course) into pagesPerPDF
pages (set to 3 here, but you can use whatever number you want). The new PDFs are stored in files named after baseName
with numbers 1, 2, 3 etc. appended. You can modify basename
to whatever convention you like.
All code is JavaScript, not AppleScript. I tested both scripts, but not extensively.