Beautiful writing environment

Thanks for this Booz, I have never used workspaces before but now suspect I will do so.


Thanks for that @jooz ! You opened my eyes wiiiide! Now if I only could adjust line spacing…

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Enjoy! Just another useful tip which I learned somewhere on the internets a few days ago: if you keep your reference data (pdf, books, etc) in DT (you should!) and want to quickly link to them in a 3rd party markdown editor (typora, obsidian etc) using devonthink links: click alt+cmd and drag and drop the file into the markdown. You will get a nicely generated devonthink link in your markdown :slightly_smiling_face:


Actually, the look and feel of DTPro comes with every new version closer and closer to what I imagined as my ideal and aesthetically most pleasing work environment since I first laid hand on a computer. So, zero complaints here!


Thanks @AndreasE ! We appreciate hearing that. :heart: :slight_smile:

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Concur that the aesthetics of DT3 are pleasing and practical. As to the writing environment: using a purpose-built external editor that saves back to the file in DT is so swift and easy that the DT editor doesn’t really need to have writing-app polish. That said, the DT editor is no-nonsense and just There: I find myself using it more often than not.