Beginner - Create notes with images

an x-devonthink-item link is not portable in the sense “across platforms” (think Windows) or machines (think “another Mac”). It is not even portable to another Mac that is running DT.

But nor are other links. They’re just that - links. Pointers to another entity located somewhere™. If that location is on your local machine (and your machine is not running a server that would make the location accessible from the outside), nobody but you can use these links.

That is not correct generally. If you use an absolute path for the URL (something like /Users/me/Images/image1.png (perhaps with a leading file:// protocol), the image should display as long as you do not move it to another location in the filesystem.

Links are links. There’s nothing you can do about them being susceptible to breakage.

Exactly – breakage.

One small difference between, say, item links and WikiLinks, is that there is a preference in DEVONthink (in Preferences > WikiLinks) to Update name of item links automatically, which the the user guide (also available through the in-app Help) describes as follows (on page 163):

When the name of item-linked documents is changed, this will update the link text in documents containing item links to those files.


Indeed this is a possibility when using item links. :slight_smile:

Just tried it. It works. This auto update of name of item links is a good feature. Thanks!

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