Best Practices for Importing Outlook 2011 Email into DTP ?


I’m very new to DTP 2.8.4 running on Mavericks 10.9.5 and would like some help.
What are the Best Practices for Importing Outlook 2011 Email into DTP ?
If you have a workflow you don’t mind sharing, that would be great!

I’ve done extensive searching in general using Google, and also with the Advanced Search in these forums, but have found very little, most of which is several years old.

I’m coming from an Evernote background where it is very easy to import email (from any client) into Evernote just by sending to a special email address for your account.
In addition, I have several extensive Keyboard Maestro (KM) macros which make extensive formatting changes to the email before forwarding to EN.
I would like to adapt these KM macros to “sending” to DTP if possible.

But first, I need to know to do everything manually.
If anyone could point me to references for importing Outlook email to DTP I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks for all your kind help.

Here is what I have found from searching these forums:

Search found 6 matches: +outlook +email

Right now there are only two possibilities:

  1. You could import selected messages/mailboxes (and attachments) via scripts (see Scripts menu extra)

  2. You could import selected messages/mailboxes via File > Import > Email. This will skip already imported messages and therefore avoid duplicates. However, this is overkill if you’re usually only importing few selected messages.

Thanks for your reply, Chris.