Best way to import Mail attachment documents

I import my mail from apple mail app in devon every 2-3 months. I know when I do this any attachments are added to the bottom of the message in devon. Is there any way they can be added as searchable open documents within the devon DB without having to open and save each one or drag it into Devon. Can they be imported in such a way that they are added as documents when I import the mail messages?


Did you find a solution for this?
For now it renders the mail archiving in Devon quite useless, if the attachments don’t go into the (searchable) index… :-/

Best regards,

No, DT ProOffice cannot index attachments within an email. It remains necessary to open such attachments under an external application, e.g, open an Excel attachment under Excel, then capture it into the database.

Can one just drag individual attachments into one’s open DTPO database groups?


Sure. You can do that, or drag the attachment onto the DTPO Dock icon, which will let you choose the destination database/group if you have enabled the ‘Set group’ option in Preferences > Import.

Or you can send the attachment to any desired open database/group via the Groups & Tags panel (Tool > Show Groups & Tags or use the keyboard shortcut, Control-Command-G).

Or you can drag the attachment to the Sorter and drop it into an inbox or group that has been set up there, which will work even if the desired database isn’t open at the time.

The attachment will be immediately indexed if it contains searchable text.


Is there any chance, we’ll see this functionality in the near future? It isn’t very helpful if one can import mails to DT, but practically ‘looses’ the attachments. Splitting attachments from the mails and manually importing the attachment isn’t an option. Not only because it would be a lot of work and a kind of humpy workflow, but one looses the relationship between mail and documents.
Since you do a lot of clever things in DT, I would hope that parsing a MIME document shouldn’t be an impossible thing…

Thanks & best regards,

Hi Guys!

Sorry for resurrecting this old thread, but it seems that DTPO still doesn’t index attachments of imported emails.

Is there any plans to add this feature to the product?

Dragging attachments out of emails after archiving more than one is a pain and in some cases not an option (say, if I archive a mail box with 10,000+ emails in it).

UPDATE: Thinking of it a bit more, would it be possible to maybe change the import command, so it extracts attachments from emails, stores it in the same group in DT and replaces it with internal links to it inside of the imported email? So, where used to be attachment in the email, I can see DT link to it stored inside DT. Basically, it would do what we have to do now and add link to the dragged out attachment preserving connection between email and the dragged out document.
It would solve the problem with indexing it and keeping email and attachment(s) linked within DT, would it not? Hope I explained it without confusing anybody :slight_smile:

When I used MS Entourage 2008, it had the best rule set I’ve seen in a mail client - I could create mail rules that would among many other things check every email for attachments, and copy the attachments to specified folders on my hard drive. As a result, I was able to copy every attachment automatically into my Global Inbox or another group in DT, as well as into specified project files.

About a year ago I began trying out alternatives to Entourage as part of moving to Office 2011. Postbox and Mail in 10.7 do not provide for moving attachments in their rule sets. Outlook is lacking in other areas.

But there has to be a way to create an Applescript that can be used in a rule in any email client for the same purpose, I just haven’t been able to find one. Alternately it would be wonderful if DT could “watch” all incoming mail for attachments and import them as they arrive. Does anyone know of such an Applescript? It needs to be simple but flexible enough to allow the user to designate a folder when setting up a rule.