Boilerplate Date Handler

Many people want to process dates, e.g., for use in a filename. However, the correct format is often colloquial and up for debate.

Here is a little pure AppleScript routine that may be useful for producing a date in the desired format…

set theDateString to my createDate((current date)) -- Call the handler to create your date string
--> "2022-12-09"

-- Do stuff here, whatever your script calls for

-- Handlers
on createDate(theDate) -- Process Date
	set {year:y, day:d, month:m} to theDate -- Set variables for each date component
	set od to AppleScript's text item delimiters -- Cache the default text delimiters
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "-" -- Switch the delimiters to the desired value
	set dateString to {y, my zeropad(d), my zeropad(m as integer)} as string -- Create a string from the date components, zeropadded. Reorder the components, as desired.
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to od -- Reset the text item delimiters
	return dateString -- Pass the date string back to the script
end createDate

on zeropad(num) -- Add prefixing zero
	if num ≥ 10 then
		return num
		return ("0" & num as string)
	end if
end zeropad

As I personally prefer as few lines as possible (makes it easier to few more code on the screen), I couldn’t resist to do a shorter version of your script:

on createDate(theDate) -- Process Date
	return (year of theDate as string) & "-" & my zeropad(day of theDate) & "-" & my zeropad(month of theDate as integer)
end createDate

on zeropad(num) -- Add prefixing zero
	if num ≥ 10 then return (num as string)
	return ("0" & num as string)
end zeropad

And soon @chrillek will probably provide an even shorter JavaScript revision :slight_smile:


This revision is even shorter but not really beautiful/obvious anymore:

on zeropad(num) -- Add prefixing zero
	return (characters -2 thru -1 of ("0" & num as string)) as string
end zeropad

Yes, but there are fewer concepts to learn from in yours :wink:


I think we can all agree that it isn’t yyyy-dd-mm :D:D

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Actually I had a support ticket recently and this exactly what they wanted. :person_shrugging:t2:

I’m surrounded by people who don’t want the right thing :laughing:


Taking the bait (but without any warranty since I’m away from my Mac). Unfortunately, it’s a no-brainer.

function createDate(date) {
return  date.toISOString();

This will convert a date to its ISO representation, including the time. If the time is not needed, the caller should remove everything after and including the „T“ in the string.


There’s also

on createDate(theDate) -- Process Date to yyyy-mm-dd
	return text 1 thru 10 of ((theDate) as «class isot» as string)
end createDate

Nice. But definitely not human readable for non-scripters and not easily customizable anymore.


Perhaps all these redundant return keywords are a little dysfunctional ?

After all, we’re just defining values … :slight_smile:


on zeropad(num) -- Add prefixing zero
	(characters -2 thru -1 of ("0" & num as string)) as string
end zeropad


let createDate = date =>
    .slice(0, 16)
    .replace("T", " ");

createDate(new Date());

Though on reflection, we do need return if we wrap it up properly :blush:

(() => {
    "use strict";

    const createDate = date =>
        .slice(0, 16)
        .replace("T", " ");

    return createDate(new Date());

Given that @BLUEFROG’s AS implementation only returns the date, I’d go for

const createDate = date =>
        .slice(0, 10);
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Weirdly this seems to be something that’s way easier in Shortcuts. There’s a built-in action “Format” which takes a format string. I just used it to set up a shortcut to add a new journal entry in Markdown to my journal entries folder.

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Yes, but there are just many other problems and inadequacies with Shortcuts :wink:

PS: You also learn nothing from it. The point of my post is a learning opportunity for those interested in scripting and dealing with a common inquiry.


I use the date functions on both a Mac (Applescript) and iPad (Shortcuts)
Not seeing the “weirdly…way easier”; both require a level of skill with the product
I’m aware that Shortcuts can be used on a Mac, but find it too limited for my use

I just used it to set up a shortcut to add a new journal entry in Markdown to my journal entries folder.

I use the shortcut with iPad shortcut to create DT notes, pre-coded with a filename date prefix
On the Mac, it’s an Applescript
I prefer formatted note (html) notes