Screenshoot 1
-I using Outlinner 5 … And it’s was very nice …
With DTP 2 (First Pane) when i cut & paste i get “Usuable Link” :
for exemple on the first Example text is blue and link is : Screenshoot 2
With DTP3 (Second Pane) my cut & paste give “raw txt” (see Pane 2 Screenshoot 1 DOC Name = TEST -EXPORT DTPV3)
-I would like to : Rename the tittles of documents in a given folder
First rename file names by adding date & date
Example :
1.2 billion people exposed in data leak includes personal info, LinkedIN, Facebook
Renamemed to %date (24/11/2019) %Tag1 %Tag2 - 1.2 billion people exposed in data leak includes personal info, LinkedIN, Facebook
(Put the tags at the beginning or end of the file name for example)
How to automate monitoring and refresh scan of a directory,
I use Scanbot & put my scan (via Iphone) in a DropBox Directory (i can change of Cloud service, may be Icloud is better) for the moment it’s look it’s just scan one time , but it’s not considering change (May be i missed something)
When i try to use the Help menu that stuck my Mac ( Macbook pro 2018)
(i thinks there is a probléme with littlesnitch …i temporaly remove it : NO change)
Summary Function just act like a cut & paste of the beginning of Text
Of course i understand i have to read the manual / or the forum just a link is ok …
But that make 3 days , i try and i suppose i don’t take the good path , or i missed something…
Thanks you for your kindness , and the help you already offer.
Have a Nice day / night