Bonjour sync: worked on home network; not at work

Hi everyone,

I successfully set up Bonjour syncing the other day while at home. It worked very well and was very easy to get going.

I came into work today and went to sync and it’s not working. Both my Mac and my iPhone are on the same university network. But the cloud symbol on DTTG is grayed out and in edit locations it says the local network is offline.

I don’t know what I am doing wrong. Perhaps the university network is the problem? I read lots of posts about bonjour syncing before posting my own and could not find a similar scenario.

Thanks for the help.

Yes, Bonjour is often disallowed or strictly regulated on some networks, including corporate and academic ones. Connect the mobile device to your Mac via a Lightning cable and you can continue to use Bonjour in your own private network.

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Many thanks. I will check when I return home and make certain it’s working on my home network. Not a big deal it’s not going to work on my university network.

Thanks again

No problem.

I know this is an old thread but I was wondering something that is related here: does this require me to “trust” the work computer on my iPhone? With all the spyware work computers carry these days, I would prefer not to make my whole phone memory visible to the work computer, but I would like to figure out a way to work around Bonjour restrictions, if that makes sense.

Specifically what restrictions do you see that you need to workaround?

With all the spyware work computers carry these days


What spyware are you referring to?

I guess there’s been a rapid uptake of strikeforce falcon around the US at least, with very little information of what kind of information that actually collects.

I don’t know what the restrictions are. That’s why I asked. My initial sense was that Bonjour via lightning requires trusting the computer on your iphone which gives it access to whatever is stored on your iphone.

Sorry if my choice of words distracted from the actual question. But still, do I need to hit “Trust” on my iphone when plugging it into the machine via lightning for Bonjour sync via cable to work?

This really an Apple thing … see About the 'Trust This Computer' alert on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch – Apple Support (UK) found by Google “trust iphone bonjour”

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Well, I’m not sure why you wouldn’t trust your own phone or computer when connecting them.

Also, if it’s a work computer then the owner of that machine (work?) might not “trust” your iPhone and may do things to prohibit connected phones to it? Best to consult your work’s IT people, I guess.

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“Trust” is a technical term here. I assumed you know whether this was a technical limitation of the sync over cable. I just don’t know how the networking over lightning works, that was my question. I explained my reservations, that is, the work computer runs a rootkit detector that logs file access and filenames and a wide variety of undocumented things in a remote location. If you find it strange that I don’t want to give that access to my private phone, that is fine. But it’s kind of irrelevant, isn’t it?

That’s your decision. But without this access, you apparently can’t sync over Bonjour and cable. So if your decision is “strange” or not, is neither here nor there. Simply don’t use a cable with Bonjour or don’t use Bonjour to sync.

That your employer does perhaps not want you to connect your iPhone to their hardware seems perfectly reasonable to me. In fact, as an employer, I’d be wary of anyone wanting to circumvent this kind of protection.


That your employer does perhaps not want you to connect your iPhone to their hardware seems perfectly reasonable to me. In fact, as an employer, I’d be wary of anyone wanting to circumvent this kind of protection.

I used to sync via cable in a corporate environment that disallowed Bonjour traffic but don’t tell IT :shushing_face: :stuck_out_tongue:

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Oh. Now I understand the speculation about my employer’s motivations and the weird reluctance to answer a simple yes or no question on the way Bonjour sync works.

I phrased that poorly. I am not trying to work around employer restrictions at all (my employer has no rules about data on private phones, nor do they prohibit or place any restrictions on plugging in flashdrives or phones). What I meant by work around was “I would like to find a way to sync my work database without also giving my employer access to everything on my phone.” Which Dropbox obviously does, I was just wondering if that was possible with Bonjour also.

Anyway, thanks for answering my question!

nor do they prohibit or place any restrictions on plugging in flashdrives or phones


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You could simply use Bonjour OTA – no need for a cable there.