
I wish DA had its very own bookmarks and/or were able to edit the Safari ones which would be even better…

I wish even more that DA would be part of DTP Office (I’d even pay a little more for that) and have complete bookmarking ability (as point 1). I use DTP as my main hub for a lot of things and web browsing once in a while… As it stands even though I own DA I usually resort for Safari for most things web-related… tend to forget about DA.

I find neither DA nor DTP appropriate for true web browsing… sure DA is deemed as a search tool… however I prefer using as few pieces of software as possible… love “all-in-one” concepts.

Improved bookmarks management will definitely come but DEVONagent will remain a stand-alone application for various reasons, see viewtopic.php?f=4&t=10723