Bug Report: Selecting clipped web archive opens print window

Hi Team,

Just a bug I’ve stumbled upon whist using DEVONthink 3 Pro. Selecting a web archive automatically causes the print screen to pop-up. This issue replicates on all web archives clipped using the DEVONthink clipper via Safari.

Images below:

Are you seeing it with other sites than our forums?

No. It appears to be DEVONthink forum specific.

As I suspected. There is a modification coming in the next maintenance release that should alleviate this. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

Just +1 on same behaviour for webarchives from devonthink forum and automatic printing.

Hi @BLUEFROG just flagging this as still an issue with clippings from the DT forum.

So you’re saying a web archive clipped from this thread into DEVONthink will open the print dialog when you select it in DEVONthink?

What browser did you clip from?

Hi @BLUEFROG , I’ve run a couple of tests and can confirm new clippings from the DT forum are a-okay, it’s just my historical clippings from the original time of this post.

I’ve noticed these older clippings have a url with /print https://discourse.devontechnologies.com/t/convert-markdown-to-pdf-docx-in-devonthink-using-pandoc/45764/print which the recent webarchives clipped from Safari don’t.

All good now it seems, you can ignore my comment above, thank you for the prompt response. I will need to go back through my older webarchives from the forum and clip them again to eliminate the print pop-up :blush: :+1:

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You’re welcome and thanks for the follow-up. It’s appreciated :slight_smile:

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Just ran into this issue. Not only does the print dialog pop-up as described above. Also the website styling is not preserved (picture at bottom of this post). Tried clipping a Wikipedia article which worked fine (no print pop-up, styling preserved).

MacOS 13.5
Safari 16.6 (18615.
Safari extension: Clip to DEVONThink 3.9.2

Does this also happen when viewing this web archive with Safari?


Then it’s related the contents of the web archive (e.g. scripts). One workaround would be to clip a PDF instead or to clip the reader view or use the clutter-free option of the Sorter.