Can Item links be forced to open in tabs?

I use Item links (in the form of x-devonthink-item://…) to quite some extend as it is a fast lane to relevant files in my databases files from other apps. In order to keep the window count in sane numbers I would like those links to open in a new tab in DEVONthink. Currently each external link opens a new window. I searched the preferences (tabbed browsing is enabled there) and the forums but did not find anything. Is this possible?

Also, a lot of apps have a feature “collect tabs” (or “Merge all Windows”). I’m not sure which version of macOS introduced this). If DEVONthink could adopt that, it would be a pragmatic workaround to this.

Any link can be opened in a new tab either via the contextual menu or by Command-clicking.

Any link can be opened in a new tab either via the contextual menu or by Command-clicking.

This is true for links I click inside DEVONthink. But I was writing about clicking on links in other apps (e.g. Pages, Things, TextEdit). x-callback URL’s from other apps seem to always open new windows in DT.

This isn’t possible right now but we might improve this in upcoming releases. In the meantime you could try to append &reveal=1 to the URLs to reveal the item in the current main window instead of opening a new window.

you could try to append &reveal=1 to the URLs to reveal the item in the current main window

Thank you, somehow I missed this in the documentation. I guess this covers quite a fraction of my use cases and I’m a happy shopper again :slight_smile:

(as a hint for other readers: if the reveal parameter is the only parameter, you’ll need a ? instead of a & e.g.: x-devonthink-item://ABC-DEF?reveal=1)


Any chance this improvement may see the light of day sooner rather than later?

See also the comments (and defect) reported here: open x-devonthink-item links in main window.

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There’s always a chance but everybody wants to see his/her request fulfilled first of course :slight_smile: